These two thought-provoking monologues by Jan Berry and Alma Fritchley reimagine two women at the foot of the Cross observing the crucifixion of Jesus from their unique perspective. The additional final piece is a powerful reflection on the character of Mary, the...
‘Masquerade’ is an imaginative and beautiful story by Dom Palmer about going to a ball and ultimately being known and loved as our true self. This video is a live excerpt of ‘Masquerade’ performed by Dom at the ‘Seeds of Hope’ Creative Day. (c) copyright...
Dom Palmer creates imaginative poetry and stories that appeal equally to children and adults. ‘The Grumplepuss’ is a wonderfully entertaining poem about the experience of being ‘hangry’; of experiencing the anger and grumpiness brought on by an empty stomach. This...
We’re just in the process of updating this page with some brand new material, so please come back to this space very soon. In the meantime, please explore the other pages: Music, Visual, Film & Video, Ideas.